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Back when I was trying to find my entrepreneurial groove and make a name for myself in the business… I didn’t have ANYONE in my circle.
You do the math on that one. Not surrounding myself with the right people early on meant that I had to take the long way round on every entrepreneurial occasion. But my story isn’t all that unique:
None of those statements are true. These are lies that myself and thousands of others have bought into over the years. Maybe you’ve believed a few of them as well and that’s what’s holding you back from reaching your full potential. That’s not your fault.
What if I told you that the industry is designed like this on purpose?
That the business models that many preparers find themselves in, unfortunately are designed to CAP your earnings while maximizing profits for the tax companies themselves.
A Win for the company...
at YOUR expense
When I first started my tax business, I believed that if I worked hard I would be successful, that I would be in control of my time, take vacations and of course make a lot of money!
I couldn't have been more wrong!
I was overworked, unprepared,underpaid and stressed. After paying for advertising, pestering all of my friends and family to support my tax preparation business and slashing my prices to "be more competitive", I had to admit that all of my hard work wasn't paying off like I hoped.
To add insult to injury I was also getting ripped off by the tax office I worked for! I began to question my career choice and started to believe that the problem was ME. Why were these other offices so successful while I was living paycheck to paycheck? In defeat I almost quit the industry altogether, until I perfected a system that generated my first 6 figures in my tax business in only 3 MONTHS!
In our Mastermind I'll be teaching for the very first time all of my Tax Industry success secrets Including my
Building Success Tools
Client Ads that Made Us Millions
Time Saving, Mega Efficiency Operational Strategies
My Famous Recruiting Techniques that Flooded Our Tax Offices with High Quality Contractors year after year
Techniques to Bullet Proof Your Office from Audits
Crypto Currency Tax Preparation
But most importantly you'll be learning from the experiences of others, so you can avoid the same mistakes that I made by surrounding yourself with the right people… And I’m not just talking about 5 people: I’m talking about HUNDREDS.
Now’s your chance to get the resources you need to flatten the learning curve … AND share your experiences with countless other aspiring tax entrepreneurs, traders, and money makers:
Just a few years ago you probably couldn't explain to your client what Bitcoin was without them becoming confused. Now I guarantee that just in the past tax season alone you've had your clients drop off their crypto transactions to you and start peppering you with questions expecting you to know the answers. You're doing the best you can but you're lost.
IRS guidance for cryptocurrency taxation is vague at best, leaving the burden of interpreting these tax laws on YOU.
This mastermind changes that.
This is a place for crypto traders, tax professionals and entrepreneurs who want to take their knowledge and income to the next level while learning techniques that will minimize their tax liability for their clients and themselves.
Missed Bitcoin at $2 dollars?
Here's your chance to "be early" this time
Becoming an expert in Crypto Taxation WILL change your life.
There are millions of investors out here who need YOU. Their accountants do not have the specialized insight to save them money but you will!
Your client retention will increase!
You'll be able to charge MORE for your knowledge!
Increase the value of your tax preparation classes!
We have decades of combined experience
There are 7 key areas that you will have access to in the Crypto Tax Mastermind to strategize your 6 figure .
I know that if I’d have had the guidance and support in all of these areas sooner... I wouldn’t have spent so much time losing money to the IRS or fighting audits
I spent sleepless nights worried about the IRS...Searching the internet for hours, trying to get clarification on rebuttals.…
That was the reality of my life. And I don’t want anyone having similar situations to the one I experienced for way too long. My solution? I have created an environment where you are surrounded by resources and solutions for any tax situation. This is how we circulate true wealth.
For the first time there will be complete support for accountants, cpas, tax attorneys, traders, enrolled agents, and entrepreneur's who want to take their crypto taxation knowledge to the next level.
This is more than just a learning resource - it’s an EARNING resource too! I want to grow this community into the biggest and most diverse group of tax professionals and entrepreneurs on the planet, and you can benefit from helping me achieve that dream!
Ive taken my share of classes and countless mentorships but
This is your chance to discover the power of proximity and the potential that comes with it: Game-changing entrepreneurial content and an introduction to a powerful community - for less than a cup of coffee every day. Can you really say no to that?
I challenge you to find something that provides as much value as this at such a low price. But be warned: I’m not building a team of people who aren’t in this for the long haul.
If you’re not convinced that this is one of, if not THE greatest investments you can make with just the change in your back pocket... Then perhaps this community isn’t for you.
But if you’re already desperate to take your first or next steps into entrepreneurship with the most supportive community on the planet: I’ll see you inside!
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